kW/h Energy Reduction
Project Overview
The ‘Habitat’ apartment complex at 1 McDonald St, Potts Point was built in 1992 and consists of 122 units, 2 townhouses and an underground car park over 9 levels. After a number of quotes were sought, WBS Technology provided the most cost-effective and energy-efficient solution to meet the requirements of the building. The combination of energy-efficient LEDs, with zone controlled dimming, on a networked emergency lighting system and 5-year service agreement, were the main factors in the decision making process.
The Challenges
The previous lighting structure contained fluorescent fittings with no energy saving controls or a networked structure. This arrangement produced significant overhead expenses and a lack of sustainability. The fluorescent fittings required continual replacement and were failing to the point that they were beyond repair. These older fixtures also did not possess the ability to be dimmed in any way. This resulted in all lights operating at full brightness 24/7 even when not in use making them energy inefficient and cost ineffective. The lack of a networked structure meant that remote online monitoring and the ability to predict lighting maintenance were nonexistent. Consequently, some lights were nonoperational presenting safety issues for tenants.
The Solution
In order to provide a cost-effective and energy efficient solution, 113 emergency and non-emergency lights in the fire stairs and corridors of the McDonald St complex were replaced. The previous fluorescent fittings were replaced with high quality, energy efficient LEDs with dim-down technology and EMIoT capabilities. As a part of the project, WBS Emergency Oyster Lights, Blade Exit Signs, Non-Emergency Battens and Emergency Battens were installed in order to achieve substantial energy and maintenance savings.
The use of LEDs has presented many benefits and opportunities for both facility managers and tenants of the McDonald St complex. LED lighting fixtures:
- Possess a longer lifespan compared to fluorescents.
- Maintain the ability to be dimmed.
- Have lower operational costs compared to fluorescents.
- Are more energy efficient compared to fluorescent bulbs.
- Emit light through its energy rather than using heat to produce light.
- Do not require continual replacement.
- Provide better light quality.
The client expressed interest in utilising WBS dim-down technology due to its zone control method of operation. The building required sensor lighting that tripped lights further along the path of travel. The WBS dimming arrangement provides just that. Light fittings located at points of entry (fire stairs doors, garage entry) are fitted with motion sensors to detect movement. As movement is detected, the sensor transmits wirelessly to all light fittings in range with receivers to illuminate to 100% brightness. This style of dimming illuminates the area ahead of you, creating extra comfort and safety for tenants and pedestrians. When no movement is detected, lights are dimmed to 20% brightness.
The lack of a networked emergency lighting system accounted for issues regarding transparency of results, limitations surrounding scheduled testing, an inability to predict maintenance and the incapacity to connect future IoT devices. The smart networked nature of the EMIoT system has allowed the McDonald St complex to resolve these issues on a fixed 5-year service agreement. EMIoT creates scalable and stable IoT networks transforming buildings into smart buildings. McDonald St facility and building managers now possess the ability to:
- Conduct autonomous and scheduled testing.
- Predict the maintenance of lights.
- Connect to future IoT devices to create a smart building ecosystem.
- Maintain transparency of lighting results.
- Gather real-time insight into building operations.
All EMIoT projects come with a 5-year service agreement including all light fittings, installation, monitoring and remote testing in the fixed project price. The client saw the potential of this agreement as it eliminated maintenance costs over the next 5 years.

Via the use of EMIoT, WBS is able to achieve energy savings of 19,543.91 kWh per year which on average equals $4,690.54 savings on the energy bill. All EMIoT projects come with a 5-year service agreement including all light fittings, installation, monitoring and remote testing in the fixed project price. Therefore, eliminating maintenance costs over the next five years. Via this agreement, WBS is able to eliminate an estimated $4,372.20 per year on emergency light maintenance.
The installation process was done without the use of any cabling or network structure and at no additional cost. WBS has provided lighting fixtures of high quality and standard in an easy to use and maintain system.
Products Used
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